Monday, August 3, 2015

Love-hate relationship with Powershell

I have been using Windows since 3.1 version, I started my IT career with Windows NT 3.5. Back in days when I started, I did most of management with GUI, but in some cases it was impossible, so I was forces to create complex command line scripts.

My first encounter with Powershell was with Exchange 2007. There was number of things, that you couldn't do with GUI. I have to confess that I haven't really liked Powershell. I have only used Powershell when I had to. Recent projects I have had to do few things with Powershell and now I have learned to love it. There are still number of things I don't like in it, but I have to admit Powershell helps me to do my work better and faster.

Microsoft has great video training material about PowerShell and scripting for free at

I work with number of different environments and projects, and there are some basic powershell scripts that I have been using in different environments. My plan is to collect the scripts that I have been using to this blog. Most of the scrips are quite basic, but they have helped me. The script library will also work as a notepad for me, so I can easily check and read my own scripts.

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